The Fashion department of University of Art and Design, Cluj- Napoca, is already known as the most prestigious roumanian fashion school. Last week, I attended their graduation show. I’ve seen lots of interesting stuff and some beautiful collections. I will post here images from the designers that I noticed for their defined concept and originality.
Violeta Ivaz developed a sensitive, yet structured, discourse, showing some beautiful fabrics – the forms were skilfully organized around the theme of the manteau.
“Meltin’ Pot” by Andreea Boariu was colorfully appealing through the use of floral prints and gipsy fashionable looks. I wish I see more often this kind of color exercises on the contemporary fashion scene.
Doina Pirau succeeded in building these minimal & nice outfits, dreaming on the theme of “Ethnic Vibes” . I loved the smart cut of the garments, particularly.
Ovidiu Pop’ s Men collection was inspired by the 20′s, reloading the charm of the vintage men suit, as an inspiring formula for nowadays fashion during the “crises”.
The outfits deigned by Adel Zsigmond are a beautiful and emotional attempt – to build a wardrobe for a dear homeless friend. I appreciated garments’ complexity and versatility.
Apart from these highlights, I noticed another creative works, such as:
exquisite handmade prints by Teodora Baciu
structured surfaces inspired by nature and metamorphosis – Galdean Silvia Isabelle
strange tribal outfit by Lazar Ana Alexandra, based on shamanism
white outfits, with metallic adornments, by Buda Mioara Fulga
I am loving Galdean Silvia Isabelle, Adel Zsigmond and Teodora Baciu!