Franco-Portuguese artist and architect Didier Faustino is already renowned for his intriguing projects which debate alternative relationships between body and architecture. Founder of Bureau des Mésarchitectures, Didier Faustino is the author of Doppelganger, Sky is the Limit, (G)HOST IN THE (S)HELL, We Can’t Go Home Again to name just a few projects.
His latest art project displays a personal interaction with a particular space – Villa Bloc (designed by French sculptor André Bloc in the 50s). At Villa Bloc Didier Faustino has implemented a semi-architectural installation entitled ‘This Is Not a Love Song’. I love both red explosive entrance and the light arrows-installation placed inside. And especially the way these landmarks interact with the whole environment.
Didier Faustino installation at Villa Bloc Paris/ photos: Felipe Ribon/ images via