UAD Fashion Gala 2014

Each year, the end of June, the Fashion Design Department of the University of Art and Design Cluj Napoca reveals a new generation of young designers. Each year a number of BA and MA graduates show their work in a special event – UAD Fashion Gala. For most of them, this is the opportunity to display their first personal collection in front of a big audience, an important step marking the beginning of their fashion career.

cover gala 2014

This year’s edition was a special one. Celebrating 20 years of Cluj Fashion Gala, the graduation show was held at the National Theatre where, after a rigorous selection, 24 collections were brought into the spotlight. The show began with a scented moment as the Romanian perfumer Octavian Sever Coifan created the “Jubilee” fragrance to celebrate 20 years of fashion education in Cluj-Napoca. The theatre was filled with special guests from the textile and clothing industry, partners and sponsors, journalists and photographers, designers, alumni and many other fashion enthusiasts. The evening ended with an awarding ceremony of the most promising talents.

Overall, it was a strong and diverse year covering a wide range of creative pursuits, from the more mature and sophisticated approaches to ironic and twisted takes. While many students decided to play safe, some of them have enjoyed to take risks or to add a funny touch. The collections reflected global trends, personal visions on contemporary style and fashion design, various aesthetic orientations and, worth mentioning, most of the items displayed could actually be worn. Obviously, there was a particular concern for men clothing, a pursuit for ‘new’ and innovative fabrics, a great interest in Romanian cultural heritage as a rich source of inspiration.

I’m going to get back with more details in other articles. For now I have made a small selection trying to spot some major directions:



LI Crina Moldovan

Crina Moldovan (BA) – CUBE

MA Lucian Rusu

Lucian Rusu (MA) – Radical of Image



LI Vitos Ildiko

Vitos Ildiko (BA) – Fake Disneyland

LI Georgiana Giuroiu

Georgiana Giuroiu (BA) – Folcloriada

LI Sabina Pop

Sabina Pop (BA) – Voievod 2.0.



LI Bako Emese

Bako Emese (BA) – Al Jebr



MA Andrada Sucuturdean

Andrada Sucuturdean (MA)  – Madame Monsieur

LI Carla Put

Carla Put (BA) – Street Spirit



LI Alina Lipotchi

Alina Lipotchi (BA) – You’re A Big Boy Now!

LI Luis Drajan

Luis Drajan (BA) – Me, Luis

MA Codruta Nascu

Codruta Nascu (MA) – Metonymy

LI Anamaria Put

Anamaria Put (BA) – Surrender



LI Evelin Demeter

Demeter Evelin (BA) – Maasai Cricket Warriors

carmen trif

Carmen Trif (MA) – White Shadows

MA Mihaela Lungu

Mihaela Lungu (MA) – Inside/Out and In-Between



LI Nazarica Bartos

Nazarica Bartos (BA) – White Picket Fence

LI Ingrid Teodosiu

Ingrid Teodosiu (BA) – Inner Feelings

MA Ruxandra Moldovan

Ruxandra Moldovan (MA) – Organic Structures



LI Teodora Barbu

Teodora Barbu (BA) – Shamanic Jungle

The Fashion Design Graduation class of 2014 was coordinated by Professor PhD Anca Pia Rusan, Lecturer PhD Lavinia Ban, Tutor PdD Smaranda Bercea. The MA Graduation class was coordinated by Professor PhD Elena Basso Stanescu and Professor PhD Anca Pia Rusan.

Photo credit: Daniel Robu

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